Nexus Pegs to Count Up Complete Classroom Set


The most open ended maths manipulative, developed from the original Pegs to Paper for handwriting. Now features new components,
including 70% recycled wood pulp pegs and pegboards, a double sided 100 square printed insert and a set of 10 sided dice. Ideal for
teaching maths to 3-11 year olds, plus SEN handwriting and maths for all ages (SEN Pegs to Paper activities included)


5 in stock (can be backordered)

Purchase this item and get 260 Points - worth of 2.60


One of the most effective ways for children to understand mathematical concepts is by using manipulatives.

This idea is nothing new, Piaget in 1951 recommended it is a way to understand mathematical concepts, followed by Bruner in the 1960s’ who put the
idea that pupils need to go through the stages of concrete, pictorial and abstract. Pegs to Count Up is one of the manipulatives that you could use, it will
compliment other resources you have in your setting such as Cuisenaire rods and place value counters. The use of manipulatives and mathematical modelling has
now become a key recommendation to improve the standards of teaching for early years and primary maths.

Learning Outcomes:
• Teaches fundamentals of mathematics and strengthens number sense
• Develops conceptual understanding
• Develops problem solving skills and supports deep rooted thinking
• Builds mathematical vocabulary
• Builds fluency and understanding in maths
• Supports children to achieve the Early Learning Goals for Number
• Supports a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to maths to build deep and sustainable understanding
• Supports the teaching of maths for mastery

Also develops key handwriting skills (Pegs to Paper SEN activities included)

Expanding the Pegs to Paper for handwriting resources, Pegs to Count Up has been designed in partnership with renowned educationalist Dr Angela Webb to
develop the range for the teaching of numeracy. The Count Up frame and accompanying components have been designed to work seamlessly with the original
pegboard and pegs, and enable a teacher to cover virtually every area of the maths curriculum. Also included within the resources is a link to the Pegs to
Paper SEN activities for handwriting, making this pack ideal not only for teaching maths for ages 3-11, but also for SEN numeracy and literacy.
The most open ended maths manipulative. Now repackaged into a carry case style box featuring new components, including 70% recycled wood pulp pegs
and pegboards, a double sided 100 square printed insert and a set of 10 sided dice.

This new carry case box set includes:
• 1 x Clearboard instruction booklet (includes QR Code lesson planning ideas for ages 3-11 years)
• 1 x ‘Exploring Numbers 1-5’ work cards
• 1 x ‘Exploring Numbers 1-10’ work cards
• 100 x recycled wood pulp ‘Grippy Pegs’ (orange, blue, yellow, dark green, red, brown, pink, light green, purple, black)
• 1 x ‘Count Up’ frame
• 1 x double sided 100 square insert (side A: 1-100, side B: 1-10 times tables)
• 4 x recycled wood pulp pegboard quadrants (equal 1 x full 100 square pegboard)
• Assortment of bamboo number rods: 14 x ‘ones’, 5 x ‘twos’, 3 x ‘threes’, 3 x ‘fours’, 3 x ‘fives’, 3 x ‘sixes’, 3 x ‘sevens’, 3 x ‘eights’, 3 x ‘nines’, 3 x ‘tens’\

• 1 x set of ‘Chalky Pastels’ for writing onto blackboard surfaces
• 1 x microfibre cloth for wiping off Chalky Pastels (use a small amount of water to aid cleaning)
• 2 x blank blackboard surface 10 sided dice
• 1 x 0-9 numbered 10 sided dice
• 1 x 00-90 numbered 10 sided dice
• 10 x blank blackboard tiles
• 2 x blackboard strips

Ref: PTCU01